What is required to register?

UKB Access Team
UKB Access Team The helpers that keep the community running smoothly. UKB Community team Access Team
  • Updated

You do not need to register until you are ready to submit an application to use UK Biobank data in your research or to be added as a collaborator to a research project.


Researchers can register with UK Biobank for free via our website.

We require each registration to include the following mandatory fields:

  1. Researcher's full name and date of birth.
  2. An up-to-date resume/CV in English that verifies your current position and institute, OR a link to a personal profile page on your institute's website. 
  3. The PubMed reference numbers of up to 5 peer-reviewed publications on which you are named (if available).
  4. An email account that is specific to you and your institute.
  5. Details of any complaints that have been raised against you in the last 3 years (if applicable).

Please note: Failure to provide the required information will result in delays and risks your registration being declined.

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