How can I submit a proposal for a new questionnaire?

UKB Access Team
UKB Access Team The helpers that keep the community running smoothly. UKB Community team Access Team
  • Updated

Email if you would like to submit a proposal to collect new information via a web-based questionnaire.

Proposals should include the following:

  • A strong scientific rationale for use in the UK Biobank population (e.g. giving consideration to the age range of the cohort, likely prevalence of the expected exposure/outcome you wish to measure; ability for prospective and repeated evaluation; examples of the range of research questions this measure will uniquely help to address, etc.)
  • Published evidence of the validity and reliability of the measure in population-based research settings.
  • A detailed specification of the content of the questionnaire and what is expected of the participant (e.g. time taken to complete questionnaire, special requirements or exclusions).
  • Results from pilot data, if available.

The decision to implement these proposals is based on scientific merit and will be taken by UK Biobank. Please note that, should such proposals be approved, they will need to be scheduled in with our planned activities.

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