How do I use the UKB-RAP?

Huma B
Huma B Communications Team The helpers that keep the community running smoothly. UKB Community team
  • Updated

We have been developing both mandatory and optional training courses to help you use the UKB-RAP.

You will need to complete three mandatory courses:

  1. Research, GDPR & Confidentiality – what you really need to know This online course was created by the UK’s Medical Research Council (MRC), and you may have already completed it to access other datasets. To be valid for us, you must have completed your certificate within the 12 months up to submission.

    You can submit your certificate from August 1st 2024 by emailing the Access team.

  2. Introduction to using UK Biobank data - This short course has been created by our Access team to help you get the most out of working with UK Biobank, learn about how the data are collected and curated, and give you an understanding of your responsibilities as a researcher. We will run our first sessions of the course in early September, and you can pre-register for attendance by contacting the Access team.

  3. Introduction to the UK Biobank Research Analysis Platform (UKB-RAP) - This short course has been created by our Data Analyst team to help you learn how to start analysing data, choose your tools and setup and balance speed and cost. Similarly, we will run our first sessions of the course soon, and you can pre-register for attendance by contacting the Access team.

Optional courses:

Our priority is releasing the mandatory courses, but we have also begun producing a series of optional courses which we will release in due course. If there are topics you want us to cover, please make your suggestions here in the Forum.

For more information, here is DNAnexus' User Help Centre, along with a series of our introductory notebooks containing example code in Python and R to help with your analyses.

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