How do I access and use data dispensed to my project on the UKB-RAP?

Huma B
Huma B Communications Team The helpers that keep the community running smoothly. UKB Community team
  • Updated

When you first create a new project, you won’t see the data right away, dispensing data to your new project will take some time. Depending on the type of data being dispensed, this process can take over an hour, or even longer, in some cases. You can monitor the process by going back to the project list, where you can see the project status, including what percentage of the data has been populated.

Once data has been dispensed to your project, see the UK Biobank Data on the Research Analysis Platform page to learn more about how this data is organized, and how to access and use it.

Please note, your request to dispense data may be queued behind that of other users. The system will service your request in the order it was received.

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