How do I set up my project in the UKB-RAP?

Huma B
Huma B Communications Team The helpers that keep the community running smoothly. UKB Community team
  • Updated

Ensure that you are listed as a Principal Investigator (PI) or collaborator on a UK Biobank-approved access application.

  1. On the Research Analysis Platform Projects screen, click the New Project button. The New Project wizard will open in a modal window.
  2. In the Project Name field, enter a name for your project.
  3. In the Application ID field, enter the number of the approved UK Biobank access application from which you'll draw the data to be used in this project.
  4. Check the Dispense data to the project to populate the project with the data specified on the linked access application.
  5. In the Billed To field, choose a wallet to which project billable activities should be charged.
  6. In the Access section, specify who will be able to Copy Data, Delete Data, and Download Data.

Within the UKB-RAP, every project must be linked to one and only one access application. A project cannot be linked to multiple access applications.

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