Ensure that you are listed as a Principal Investigator (PI) or collaborator on a UK Biobank-approved access application.
- On the Research Analysis Platform Projects screen, click the New Project button. The New Project wizard will open in a modal window.
- In the Project Name field, enter a name for your project.
- In the Application ID field, enter the number of the approved UK Biobank access application from which you'll draw the data to be used in this project.
- Check the Dispense data to the project to populate the project with the data specified on the linked access application.
- In the Billed To field, choose a wallet to which project billable activities should be charged.
- In the Access section, specify who will be able to Copy Data, Delete Data, and Download Data.
Within the UKB-RAP, every project must be linked to one and only one access application. A project cannot be linked to multiple access applications.
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