Once an application is saved you will be able to access the Collaborators tab where you can add other researchers and institutes involved in the research. You will also be able to provide delegate access to collaborator(s) who will be able to update the application on behalf of the Applicant PI.
To populate the collaborators tab:
1. Click on the collaborators tab.
2. Select the institute where you will conduct the majority of the research for this project, using the dropdown list provided (this will default to your primary institute, but can be changed if necessary):
3. To add a collaborator from your institute, enter the collaborator’s institute specific email address and click the verify button. If the collaborator has an approved UK Biobank registration you will see a green verification tick.
4. Check the ‘Delegate’ box if you wish to give delegate rights to the collaborator. Collaborators with delegate rights are able to edit the application, make edits to the collaborator screen, make payments and download the data.
5. Use the ‘Add another collaborator at this institute’ button to add additional collaborators at this institute. You should add all collaborators that will be working with UK Biobank data. Click ‘Add another collaborator at this institute’ to add the collaborator to your Application.
6. Incorrectly added collaborators can be removed by clicking the ‘Remove’ button next to their name.
7. To add collaborators at another institute, click the ‘Add collaborators at another institute’ button and enter the collaborator’s institute specific email address and click the verify button. If the green verification tick does not appear it is because the collaborator has not yet registered (or approved) with UK Biobank. Please ask them to submit a registration; once they are an Approved Researcher you will be able to add them to your application.
Further guidance on making changes to your Application can be found here.
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