Webinar - introduction to WDL on the UKB-RAP

Huma B
Huma B Communications Team The helpers that keep the community running smoothly. UKB Community team

This is a helpful resource for UK Biobank researchers using the UKB-RAP. 

Chapters in this video include:

00:00 Introduction

05:11 General Workflows on RAP

08:10 Defining WDL & WDL Workflows

15:10 Running WDL Workflows

22:36 Writing WDL

28:06 WDL Script Example

35:04 WDL Syntax

45:47 Helpful Resources

47:00 Q&A

Find part 2 on their WDL webinar here. 
GWAS webinar recording and materials mentioned in the Q&A are available here.
More videos from DNAnexus are available here.

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