How to download selected genotyping data (CEL files)

Hi all, I'm new to RAP platform. I will appreciate if you could refer me to relevant documents that I failed to find. There is a list of eids (participants) that I would like to download CEL files to my local drive (laptop). However, I can't find information on how to do this either via web browser or scripting (R or Python) that I could do in one go . I assume that this should be a fairly common and easy thing to do. Thanks for your help.


1 comment

  • Comment author
    Alexandra Lee DNAnexus Team

    I believe you can create a script to use `dx download <filename.cel>` from the terminal. Or alternatively, when you are logged into the UKB RAP, if you navigate to the `Bulk/Genotype Results/CEL files/10/` you should see a "Download" button that is in the top right.


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