On-demand webinars
Inquiries for a more detailed list of authors from different institution
- Yongzhuang Liu
Inquiries about author lists
- Manting Lin
Webinar Oct 5: Efficiently Analyzing Large-Scale WGS Data
- Brenton Pyle
Webinar: Dementia and Multimorbidity in Late-Life Disease: Longitudinal and Multimodal Data Science Approaches
- Brenton Pyle
Webinar June 1: Analyzing the UK Biobank Proteomics Data on the UK Biobank Research Analysis Platform
- Brenton Pyle
Oncology Researcher Roundtable: Working with Large-Scale Datasets to Enable Discovery
- Brenton Pyle
Webinar Apr 26: Integrative Analysis of UK Biobank Proteomics Data
- Brenton Pyle
Virtual Meetup April 20th: Large-Scale Genomics Research with the UK Biobank Platform Credits Programme
- Brenton Pyle
Webinar Mar 9: End to End Target Discovery with GWAS and PheWAS
- Brenton Pyle
Gather ideas for UKB-RAP User Group Meeting
- Chai Fungtammasan
Webinar Feb 23: UK Biobank Research Analysis Platform Overview
- Brenton Pyle
Would downloading WES files to ttyd workstation violate of MTA?
- Chai Fungtammasan
Webinar Dec 1: Advanced Image Management and Analysis in the Cloud
- Brenton Pyle
material for the Reproducible Research Using Docker webinar
- Chai Fungtammasan
Webinar Sept 22: Using Docker for Reproducible Research on the Research Analysis Platform
- Brenton Pyle
AMA: Lora B, UK Biobank Data Analyst
- Lora B
Webinar Sept 27: Analysis of Accelerometer and Metabolomic Data in the UK Biobank Dataset
- Brenton Pyle
Webinar July 14: Analyzing the UK Biobank Dataset with RStudio Workbench
- Brenton Pyle
Webinar June 9: Analyzing with RStudio Trial Version: Using R and RMarkdown
- Brenton Pyle
Webinar May 12: Cloud Computing for HPC Users
- Brenton Pyle
April Ask Me Anything: Imaging Analysis
- Brenton Pyle
Hi! If you're interested in dementia, check out the roundtable we just had https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwX4DN04g6w , and also this paper about meta-GWAS! https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-022-01024-z
- Ben Busby
Webinar Apr 21: Image Analysis on the UK Biobank Research Analysis Platform
- Brenton Pyle
Webinar Mar 24: Starting Cloud Analysis in the UK Biobank Research Analysis Platform
- Brenton Pyle
Webinar Feb 24: Visualizing and Annotating GWAS Results on the UK Biobank Research Analysis Platform
- Brenton Pyle
Hi folks! Ask me anything about UKBRAP or bioinformatics in general! Starting in 90 minutes!
- Ben Busby
Software Carpentry Computational Skills Workshop for UK Biobank Researchers
- Brenton Pyle
Webinar Feb 17: Accelerating Time to Discovery with Whole Exome Sequencing on UK Biobank?s Research Analysis Platform with NVIDIA, RGC & UK Biobank
- Brenton Pyle
Webinar Feb 10: Advanced WDL concepts and Docker on RAP
- Brenton Pyle
Webinar Jan 27: Introduction to WDL on the Research Analysis Platform
- Brenton Pyle
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