Information for plate ID
- Asako Komori
Proteomic Data (October 2023 Showcase Release) Now Available on UKB-RAP
- Brenton Pyle
How do I extract the entire Proteomic data without being linked to a specific Phenotype cohort from the browser?
- Federica Merella
Questions about extracting proteomics data
- Haoxian Tang
Proteomic issue
- Daizheng Huang
Information for time of measurement
- Jooyeon Lee
Determining age at assessment centre as a decimal
- Acer Blake
Olink NPX distribution
- Bastien Rioux
Missing values in proteomics data
- Silvia Shen
UKB Proteomics imputation
- Silvia Shen
Has anyone faced issues installing the OlinkAnalyze package in R?
- Former User of DNAx Community_6
I am trying to download proteomics data in ukbiobank rap. I could able to extract the variable that was noted in the release email. I dont see any values in the file. I tried downloading through data portal but I am not sure if its downloading or not.
- Former User of DNAx Community_6
PlateID to sample id linker for proteomics data?
- Former User of DNAx Community_6
How can I get the protein field names for all 2923 proteins in the new Olink dataset?
- Former User of DNAx Community_9
How can I get the processing date for alle the 2923 proteins?
- Former User of DNAx Community_56
Has a pQTL analysis been conducted, and are the results, encompassing all variants (imputed, WES, or WGS), available for 1,500 proteins? Can REGENIE be used with WES/WGS data, and what specific considerations should be taken into account? Thanks
- Former User of DNAx Community_26
Can the proteomics dataset be used as is or do any additional filters need to be applied? How to check qc of the data.
- Former User of DNAx Community_6
Best practices for backups on RAP?
- Permanently deleted user
best fields for blood draw time stamps for proteomics and metabolomics?
- Former User of DNAx Community_6
Any advise on how to deal with missing data in the olink data?
- Former User of DNAx Community_11
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