What do I need to do to close my project?

UKB Access Team
UKB Access Team The helpers that keep the community running smoothly. UKB Community team Access Team
  • Updated

To close your project in the Access Management System (AMS), the following actions are required by the Applicant Principal Investigator (PI) and the named Lead Collaborators (all of which are set out in the Material Transfer Agreement):

1. Complete a final project report in the Reports tab of your project in AMS;

2. Return all results to us - please see our Return of Results User Guide;

3. Upload all publications related to this project in the Admin tab of your project in AMS;

4. Delete (or otherwise made permanently inaccessible) all UK Biobank data related to this project

Please notify the Access Team by email or AMS message confirming that all of the above has been done.

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