I have been trying to analyze tag SNP based on the SNPs I selected using Haploview. However, it was too large to be opened on personal computer.
I wonder to know if Haploview can be used on DNAnexus.
Thank you very much for any insights of this community.
UKB-RAP platform does not have this software at this moment. As an alternative, you might explore possibilities for working with similar plots and viewers in JupyterLab/R, JupyterLab/python.
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UKB-RAP platform does not have this software at this moment. As an alternative, you might explore possibilities for working with similar plots and viewers in JupyterLab/R, JupyterLab/python.
e.g. http://cran.nexr.com/web/packages/snp.plotter/vignettes/using_snp_plotter.html
For visualization of LD blocks, LocusZoom is available on the plaform.
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