Proteomic Data (October 2023 Showcase Release) Now Available on UKB-RAP

Brenton Pyle DNAnexus Team
The proteomic data for levels of 3,000 proteins in 54,000 people are now available on UKB-RAP. This is the completion Pharma Proteomics Project, with the first tranche of data being made available earlier this year. You can find more information on the project here.   The UKB-RAP documentation has been updated with the release.



  • Comment author
    Former User of DNAx Community_5



    I downloaded and noticed that all new panels are missing in batch 7 (ca. 7.5k people), is that what is meant by first/second tranche?



  • Comment author
    Former User of DNAx Community_5

    For reference, this is mentioned in the last page of the QC document, but without any explanation:

  • Comment author
    Chai Fungtammasan DNAnexus Team

    @UK Biobank DA Team? 

  • Comment author
    Rachael W The helpers that keep the community running smoothly. UKB Community team Data Analyst

    The first tranche was the set of data released earlier this year. The second tranche is the set of data released recently.


    Some data from batch 7 and the data from the additional batch 8 were not released with the rest of the Phase 2 data. This is due to the presence of samples from different timepoints and a longitudinal approach requiring additional efforts with the normalisation to ensure that a research-ready dataset can be produced for the researcher community.


    We currently expect that the remainder of the data will be released in quarter 2 of 2024. Any changes to this expected release schedule will be updated on the Future timelines page of the UK Biobank website:

  • Comment author
    Former User of DNAx Community_5

    Thanks for the answer and clearing this up! Any chance the complete raw data will be made accessible at some point? Having a baseline research-ready dataset is great, but being able to reproduce and compare different QC approaches would also be very valuable and interesting.

  • Comment author

    May I ask if the proteomics data on the RAP platform has already been preprocessed, or if it needs further processing before it can be used directly?

  • Comment author
    Rachael W The helpers that keep the community running smoothly. UKB Community team Data Analyst

    Hi Jiedong,

    for details of the proteomics processing, please see the UKB Showcase website, particularly Category 1839 and the associated Resources.


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