Information for time of measurement
Hello, I am working with proteomics data and have a question regarding pQTL analysis.
I want to use the time between sample collection and measurement, as described in the UKB-PPP paper by Benjamin Sun et al.: “For the discovery cohort, association models included the following covariates: age, age², sex, age × sex, age² × sex, batch, UKB centre, UKB genetic array, time between blood sampling and measurement, and the first 20 genetic principal components.”
However, I cannot find the field for the time of blood measurement in the proteomics data. In the metabolomics data, there is a field for measured time (field number 23658). Can I use this field for proteomics data as well, or is there a different, related field that I should refer to?
Thanks for your help.
The Olink proteomics and the Nightingale metabolomics were separate projects, and the metabolomics measurement time in field 23658 is completely different from the proteomics measurement time.
I think you need Resource 1019, Olink processing start date, see, along with the plate information from field 30901 in Category 1839, .
The link for Resource 1019 above is not working, probably because of the comma. For future reference here is the link again,
Thanks for your clear answer.
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