Information for time of measurement

Jooyeon Lee

Hello, I am working with proteomics data and have a question regarding pQTL analysis. 

I want to use the time between sample collection and measurement, as described in the UKB-PPP paper by Benjamin Sun et al.: “For the discovery cohort, association models included the following covariates: age, age², sex, age × sex, age² × sex, batch, UKB centre, UKB genetic array, time between blood sampling and measurement, and the first 20 genetic principal components.”

However, I cannot find the field for the time of blood measurement in the proteomics data. In the metabolomics data, there is a field for measured time (field number 23658). Can I use this field for proteomics data as well, or is there a different, related field that I should refer to?

Thanks for your help.







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