Whole Genome Sequencing
Quality control and metrics Pinned
- Lucy BG
Optimising speed of extracting specific loci from WGS
- Gabriel Doctor
- Edited
Issues Accessing .bgen Files and Role of .bgi Files in LD Clumping
- Alexander Yaacov Peres
Can I continue a job which failed before because billing account reached its spending limit?
- Yiming Qin
SAIGE GWAS - Single variant association tests cannot work
- Shangyou Zheng
participant IDs in individual VCFs
- Tammy Lau
Missing homozygous variant calls in querying Dragen WGS gvcf files
- Srikanth Jammulapati
How to combine multiple vcfs as single using dnanexus
- Akhil Pampana
Extracting group of samples from 500K WGS pvcf files
- Jonny James Else
- Rufu Chen
- Andrew Haddad
500K WGS batch IDs and GRCh38 coordinates
- Sourena Soheili-Nezhad
How to match EIDs with rsIDs?
- Fariba Ahmadizar
Unable to view cram files with pysam due to truncation error?
- Sohaib Rumi Ansari
Which RAP tools work natively with the segmentation of the genome into tiny chunks (with no index)
- James Eales
GWAS Analysis Using pVCF Format Data
- Yingzhou Shi
- Edited
Reference genome for DRAGEN WGS 500k data?
- Robin Mjelle
VEP annotations
- Andrew Anighoro
Using WGS files with Hail
- Andrew Anighoro
Microsatellite sequences quality in UKBioBiank WGS
- Marcin Wozniak
- Edited
500K WGS Batch Information
- Yong Qian
Question regarding batches
- Skh
How to use Plink in RAP
- Former User of DNAx Community_28
Hi Please, desperately I need help. I knew Data field 23370 relates to VCF files of whole genome sequencing data. I want to discover how many cases are available for malignant melanoma (WGS). I googled a lot but no clear tutorial I fund. Thanks
- Former User of DNAx Community_7
I wonder what is the correct date of UK biobank blood sample collection that were analyzed by WGS? The platform has multiple "Date of attending..." not sure which to use to align dates from ICD codes correctly to the date of sample that was sequenced
- Former User of DNAx Community_23
Is there a way to download WGS data? Could it be preprocessed on RAP then downloaded if direct download isn't possible?
- Former User of DNAx Community_6
Are 500K WGS (GATK) and 200K WGS cram files the same for the same sample ids even though they have different fieldids? How much differences do we expect from the GATK crams and Dragen crams in the 500K WGS? Should we use DRAGEN cram?
- Permanently deleted user
New Data release on UKB-RAP: WGS Data from 500,000 Participants, Proteomics Data & Updated Imaging Data
- Brenton Pyle
How can I find the common variants in my VCF files?
- Permanently deleted user
How should I get allele frequencies for a specific cohort as per the WGS on the UKB RAP?
- Former User of DNAx Community_29
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