How much does it cost to access UK Biobank data?

UKB Access Team
UKB Access Team The helpers that keep the community running smoothly. UKB Community team Access Team
  • Updated

In determining the access fees, UK Biobank seeks to recover only the incremental costs of servicing an access application: it does not seek to recover the cost of development and management of the UK Biobank data resource, which already runs into hundreds of millions £GBP.

The rationale for this fee structure is that:

  • The three Tiers of fees are based broadly on the size of the respective datasets and on UK Biobank’s analysis of common researcher usage of these datasets, as UK Biobank is keen to ensure that access to its Core level dataset remains at a cost level which is comparable to that under the old fee structure.
  • The fee per collaborating institution is intended to cover the administrative costs of adding an institution to an application.
  • The transition to a periodic charge – namely for an initial 3-year period, renewable for further periods – is to provide researchers with more flexibility, and reflects research practice and also takes into account the request of provision of updated and new data from UK Biobank.

These Access Fees were introduced on 1st April 2021. 

Costs graphic Sept 24.png

Costs are exclusive of VAT.


Reduced access fees and financial support are available for student and early-career researchers and researchers from lower income countries.

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