What "Results data" do I need to return?

UKB Access Team
UKB Access Team The helpers that keep the community running smoothly. UKB Community team Access Team
  • Updated

The minimum requirements to return results data to UK Biobank includes the following:

    1. A copy of the manuscript or other publicly available results, such as conference abstracts (if not intended to be published in a journal) or results posted online (e.g. on a website or via social media).
    2. A short and simple paragraph that summarises your published findings as they relate to the approved research project, so that we can keep participants informed about research achievements.

All key individual-level variables that are derived from bulk or linked data, together with a clear data dictionary and a description of the methods (if not available in sufficient detail in the publication) and the underlying syntax/code used to generate them (if possible – see Analytical Tools below).

Examples of variables we would expect to be returned include (but are not limited to):

  • imaging-derived phenotypes (e.g. body composition measures);
  • individual-level metrics from the accelerometry data;
  • algorithmically-derived health outcomes from the health record data;
  • linked data generated from geographical metrics;
  • polygenic risk scores from the genetic data.

We do not require you to return simple variables generated from the touchscreen data or physical measures (e.g. BMI) as others can generate these relatively easily.

Well-annotated syntax/code (e.g. SAS, R, STATA) used to generate the results of the paper. The corresponding Digital Object Identifier (DOI) should also be returned, if appropriate. A DOI is a unique permanent digital identifier that can be used to track usage of the code and associated metadata.

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