Why does it say that my project is not enabled for UKB-RAP?

UKB Access Team
UKB Access Team The helpers that keep the community running smoothly. UKB Community team Access Team
  • Updated

To ensure your project is accessible on the UKB-RAP, please ensure the following criteria has been met:

  1. The PI and Lead Collaborators must have completed all three mandatory training modules (Introduction to using UK Biobank, Introduction to the UK Biobank Research Analysis Platform and MRC course: “Research, GDPR & Confidentiality"). The completed training date must be visible on the each collaborators profile in AMS.
  2. The latest MTA must be signed and executed.
  3.  The payment for the project must have been received and be for the tier of data the project has requested to access on the UKB-RAP.
  4. Your project should have a status of "Underway" on AMS. An application that is marked as approved but not underway is not enabled to access the UKB-RAP.

If you could previously access your project on the UKB-RAP and you are no longer able to, this could be due to one or several reasons:

  • The duration of your access may have expired - your project has now Lapsed and you will need to submit a duration extension in order to continue access to data on the UKB-RAP.
  • Your project might be under change review - thus temporarily pausing access until the request has been completed.
  • An overdue annual report could be affecting your access - please check your latest annual report has ben submitted.
  • Your registration may be in recheck status - please allow our Access team time to review your profile recheck. 
  • A missing date of birth in your profile - please update this information on your profile and allow our Access team time to review your profile recheck.

Please review these elements to restore your access.

If all these criteria have been met, the project should be accessible on the UKB-RAP. However, if you encounter the error message ‘The application is not enabled for RAP’, please get in touch with the Access team.

Please wait until the following working day to dispense data on your project.

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