Haplotypes and imputation
Map PRS score to EID
- Jinhan Zhu
How do I extract allele combinations at specific SNPs using Jupyterlab?
- Renuka Devi Chintapalli
Ancestry-specific PCs
- Saif Dababneh
How to resolve REGENIE errors with GEL and TOPmed BGEN indices
- Mike
Variants imputed or sequenced in BGEN file
- Former User of DNAx Community_13
Availability of pre-computed relatedness information?
- Permanently deleted user
Imputing UKB genotypes with HRC
- Former User of DNAx Community_39
How can I exclude with participants have specific genotype from my cohort using cohort browser?
- Permanently deleted user
How to deal with qctool Error: sample file and genotype file sample IDs do not match!
- Former User of DNAx Community_10
I am trying to extract a specific snip from ukb22418_cMT_b0_v2 the mitochondrial hard called chromosome file, The snps are labeled with Affx-, not rs... How do I extract a specific snp, for example Affx-34461959. The usual plink command doesn't work
- Former User of DNAx Community_10
incorporate some additional phenotype variables that are not included here:
- Former User of DNAx Community_42
Saige GWAS giving p value/se == 0 for top hits
- Former User of DNAx Community_6
How to filter snpEff.vcf.gz file on UKB RAP?
- Permanently deleted user
Can I use Haploview on DNAnexus
- Former User of DNAx Community_31
gatk's GenotypeGVCFs always gives an error when analyzing full exon data of.g.vcf.gz form in UK biobank: The list of input alleles must contain < NON_REF> as an allele but that is not the case at position 68991;
- Former User of DNAx Community_66
Where can I find the BWA Reference Genome Index file?
- Permanently deleted user
Is the UKB going to provide the genotype array data and the imputed data in GRhC38 coordinates for general use in the platform? Given that the WES and WGS release are also in this coordinate system it would make sense. Thank you
- Permanently deleted user
I am hoping I can have a script to run SAIGE GWAS on Dx command line using bgen files. Best- Nihal
- Former User of DNAx Community_91
How to download selected genotyping data (CEL files)
- Former User of DNAx Community_11
I want to run a PheWAS analysis using PHESANT and currently trying to generate the phenotype file. I am using table exporter to extract the phenotype data for my variables of interest.
- Former User of DNAx Community_28
Effectively querying genotypes from the Spark genotype table
- Former User of DNAx Community_22
Saving files created with Rstudio
- Former User of DNAx Community_56
Cohort Browser geno filters high impact variant with OR
- Former User of DNAx Community_30
Combining genotype data with phenotype data in Rstudio workbench
- Former User of DNAx Community_40
I want to liftover the genotype array calls from hg37 to hg38. I reviewed the DNAnexus liftover GitHub but I am still unsure how to perform the liftover.
- Former User of DNAx Community_28
If I do not see the BIM, MAP, FAM files on my approved database, does this mean that I do not have access to genotype results of chromosomes 1-22?
- Former User of DNAx Community_91
How to store large genotype/phenotype data on the RAP that will be queried within custom code?
- Former User of DNAx Community_21
What is the best way to label loss-of-function variants to then perform GWAS on LoF variants and phenotypic outcome? Would a SnpEff -> SnpFilt -> Plink2 pipeline make sense? I am new to this type of research!
- Permanently deleted user
I want to locate the pVCF UKB23352_c19 file that has position chr19:17642033-17642056. There are 1000 files. How do I do it?
- Former User of DNAx Community_10
Where can I access to the codes used in the webinar " GWAS on Research Analysis platform using Regenie"?
- Permanently deleted user
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